The Early Career Grant awarded by the American Academy of Forensic Psychology is designed to assist early career forensic specialist candidates. The Scholarship applies to candidates applying for forensic board certification within two years of completing an approved postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology. To receive the Scholarship:
- The applicant must have completed a postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology approved by the American Board of Forensic Psychology (ABFP) to waive the 5-year rule before applying for board certification. The ABFP Credentials Review Officer is responsible for approving the postdoctoral fellowship. The application for board certification in forensic psychology must be filed with the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) within 2 years of the date of completion of the postdoctoral fellowship.
- Following notification of approval of the fellowship by ABFP, the applicant contacts the ABFP Credentials Review Officer in writing to permit him or her to communicate with the AAFP President regarding the approved fellowship and date of completion.
- The applicant also contacts the AAFP President to inform him or her that the applicant requests the Scholarship. The applicant will provide the AAFP President a copy of the ABPP candidate acceptance letter and a copy of the certificate of completion of the postdoctoral fellowship.
- The AAFP President will contact and pass on all pertinent information to the AAFP Treasurer who will provide the appropriate reimbursements to the candidate upon successful completion/passing of each step in the examination process.
- Four fees are potentially reimbursed: The ABPP application fee, the written examination fee, the practice sample fee, and the oral examination fee.
- The candidate pays each of the four fees prior to each step in the examination process. Upon verification of payment of each fee and successful completion/passing of each step, the candidate is reimbursed the fee. Each fee is reimbursed once, for the first application only.